Quick Links

  • Artaria
  • Cataris
  • Dairon
  • Burenia
  • Ghavoran
  • Ferenia
  • Elun

Metroid Dread has a few collectibles, all of them useful. Energy upgrades, which meliorate on how much harm Samus can take, are specially worthwhile to collect since every striking from the game's challenging bosses can do a lot of impairment.

Free energy Tank upgrades come in two forms: either as a full Energy Tank which increases Samus' free energy chapters by 100 or as a piece of an Energy Tank. You volition demand to collect four pieces to make one total tank, at which time Samus' energy capacity will increase by 100. They do not need to be retrieved in whatever particular order, but all of them will require specific upgrades to Samus' Power Suit in order to be accessed. Beneath is where and how to collect every Energy upgrade in ZDR; the numbers on the maps correspond to the charts beneath, merely they are not chronological. If you observe that ane is too challenging, don't hesitate to move on – you lot can always revisit information technology later when Samus is more than powerful!


Metroid Dread: Artaria Energy Tank Map

At that place are four Energy Tank upgrades for Samus to acquire in Artaria: two Free energy Parts and two full Energy Tanks.

Artaria Energy Tank 1

This is a full Free energy Tank upgrade. Information technology'southward retrievable immediately afterward Samus gets the Charge Beam upgrade to her Power Suit, only all it requires is using Samus' slide move through the top small-scale space.

Artaria Energy Tank 1

Artaria Energy Tank 2

This Energy Part is located just to the left of the red teleporter in Artaria. Samus will need the Morph Ball ability to collect this upgrade.

Artaria Energy Tank 2

Artaria Energy Tank 3

This Energy Part is sitting right out in the open, but you will need to have the Gravity Conform upgrade to make it to this location since Samus volition have to travel through some frozen zones in Artaria.

Artaria Energy Tank 3

Artaria Energy Tank four

You volition demand the Wink Shift and Speed Booster upgrades to get this Free energy Tank. You lot will also need to take the Grapple Beam upgrade and the Bomb to access the location marked on the map, every bit it is backside both a Grapple Axle block and a pair of Bomb blocks.

Artaria Energy Tank 4a

The Energy Tank will be visible, behind a row of breakable blocks that are Speed Boost blocks. Y'all will need to use your Shinespark ability to pause those blocks. First to the left of the xanthous Shutter, and run right, charging your Speed Heave.

Artaria Energy Tank 4b

Before you hitting the wall, press crouch to bank your Shinespark.

Artaria Energy Tank 4c

Run back left, using Wink Shift to dash through the Shutter.

Artaria Energy Tank 4d

One time you're underneath the Speed Booster blocks, press B and hold up on the joycon to engage Samus' Shinespark. Destroy the blocks and grab the Energy Tank.

Artaria Energy Tank 4e


Cataris Energy Tank Map

In that location are only three Energy upgrades in Cataris: 2 Energy Parts and one total Energy tank.

Cataris Energy Upgrade 1

This get-go upgrade in Cataris is an Energy Part. This one is laying out in the open up at the point that it is marked on the map. At that place are no tricks, but information technology is a dead-end and you lot will have to fight by a number of minor enemies to get to this spot.

Cataris Energy Tank 1

Cataris Energy Upgrade 2

This is a full Free energy Tank upgrade. In order to get this upgrade, Samus will demand to pull downward the moving platform merely to the correct of the Free energy Tank that is disallowment access to it. She can do this by attaching herself to the bluish wall just beneath to the correct of the moving platform, using her Spider Magnet ability.

Cataris Energy Tank 2a

After she has pulled down the moving platform, backtrack to your right a couple of screens, then take the highest exit to a higher place Samus' caput to the left. Head back left a couple more screens and you'll be able to climb upward to the Energy Tank.

Cataris Energy Tank 2b

Cataris Energy Upgrade 3

This Energy Part is pretty catchy to acquire and requires a lot of avant-garde upgrades to Samus' Super Suit. You volition need the Speed Booster and Power Bomb abilities, as well equally the Gravity Adjust upgrade, among other abilities. Once you have them, start at a betoken on the map just to the right of the purple teleporter in Cataris and just in a higher place where the Energy Part is marked on the map.

Cataris Energy Tank 3a

Use Samus' Plasma Beam to shoot through the floor to open up up the Plasma Axle door, so quickly slide left to the side by side screen and through the door you shot open before it closes over again.

Cataris Energy Tank 3b

In the next tiny area, use Pulse Radar to find the breakable block. Shoot information technology to suspension it, and climb right into a room with a couple of enemies.

Cataris Energy Tank 3c

Drop into the lava on the right side of the room, so run left until you see a Grapple Beam block. Destroy information technology with Samus' Grapple Beam.

Cataris Energy Tank 3d

The Grapple Beam cake is surrounded by Speed Booster blocks which can't be broken from this side. Render to the area with the purple teleporter. The floor directly below the teleporter is made upwards of breakable blocks that y'all can see with Samus' Pulse Radar.

Cataris Energy Tank 3e

Shoot the blocks to fall through to a new area, and so continue down into the lava until you come to a Morph Ball tunnel. At that place are subconscious brittle Power Bomb blocks above the Morph Ball tunnel that tin be seen with Pulse Radar and destroyed with a Ability Flop.

Cataris Energy Tank 3f

To the right of where the Power Bomb blocks were located is a wall of Speed Booster blocks. Starting from as far left every bit possible on the ground in the room where the Power Blocks were, run correct while charging up your Speed Booster and destroy the Speed Booster blocks.

Cataris Energy Tank 3g

Continue into the adjacent room, pressing crouch equally soon as you can to banking company your Shinespark. There will be a ready of Speed Booster blocks above you – the aforementioned ones that blocked you from the other side. Use Shinespark to blast through these blocks.

Cataris Energy Tank 3h

Space jump up into the Morph Ball tunnel, then crawl into another tiny room with the Free energy Function in it.

Cataris Energy Tank 3i


Dairon Energy Tank Map

There are a full of v Energy Tank upgrades in Dairon for Samus to go: four Energy Parts and one total Energy Tank.

Dairon Free energy Upgrade 1

This Energy Function is located simply beneath the Central Unit in Dairon and requires the Speed Booster ability, which Samus receives after destroying the Dairon E.M.M.I. Just underneath the Energy Tank are a number of Speed Booster blocks that can be destroyed with Samus' newly acquired ability.

Dairon Energy Tank 1a

Starting time to the far left of the Speed Booster Blocks on the same platform and utilise Samus' Speed Boster ability to race right, destroying the blocks. So double dorsum and jump up into the space to grab the Free energy Tank Part.

Dairon Energy Tank 1b

Dairon Free energy Upgrade 2

This Energy Part is tricky to get and requires a good agreement of the Shinespark ability. Beginning at the lesser right of the frozen area to the correct of the Energy Part.

Dairon Energy Tank 2a

Run to your left while charging Samus' Speed Booster ability. Wall jump off the left wall (this is the just style to plow around while keeping your Speed Boost).

Dairon Energy Tank 2b

Perform a second wall bound off the right wall and land on the raised platform along the left. As before long as you country, printing crouch to shop your Shinespark.

Dairon Energy Tank 2c

Space Jump the rest of the mode upward the area to the top where your way volition exist blocked by some Speed Booster blocks. Land on the minor outcropping and utilise your Shinespark immediately by pressing B and left on the joycon simultaneously.

Dairon Energy Tank 2d

Samus will be propelled through the blocks, destroying them. Shoot to open the door that is exposed backside them and collect the Energy Part backside information technology.

Dairon Energy Tank 2e

Dairon Energy Upgrade 3

This full Free energy Tank requires using the Shinespark ability. Start at a point below and to the left of where the Energy Tank is marked on the map.

Dairon Energy Tank 3a

Run straight right while powering up your Speed Booster, and once y'all get shut to the wall, press crouch to bank your Shinespark. Use it immediately to shoot Samus straight upwardly to the ceiling, destroying all the Speed Boost blocks along the way.

Dairon Energy Tank 3b

Destroying the Speed Boost blocks volition have opened access to the area on the left where the Energy Tank is located. Drop down, or use Infinite Jump to get to the space and merits the upgrade.

Dairon Energy Tank 3c

Dairon Energy Upgrade four

This upgrade is in a hidden area. At the spot marked on the map, use Samus' Pulse Radar to reveal 2 hidden columns of brittle blocks on the ceiling. Destroy the one on the right with a Missile to reveal a Cross Bomb cake to a higher place it. Jump and press ZL to go into Morph Ball grade and press Y to leave a Cantankerous Bomb next to the cake, and so Spin Jump up through the resulting hole to discover the Energy Part.

Dairon Energy Tank 4

Tip: Stand up simply to the left or right of the hole when beginning your Spin Jump and then that Samus' second jump can be aimed directly upward into the hole.

Dairon Free energy Upgrade v

This upgrade is easy to spot and piece of cake to get – provided y'all accept the right upgrades. Samus will demand to have the Gravity Suit to swim in lava, too as the Infinite Jump power. Get to where the location is marked on the map, slide into the lava, and then Space Jump up to collect the Energy Function.

Dairon Energy Tank 5


Burenia Energy Tank Map

Samus can collect four Free energy Tank upgrades in Burenia: two total Free energy Tanks and 2 Energy Parts.

Burenia Energy Upgrade 1

This full Energy Tank is easy to spot, and non likewise tricky to get. Information technology is located simply above the spot where Samus acquires the Flash Shift upgrade and makes apply of this new power. The platform beneath the Energy Tank is fabricated up of Pitfall Blocks, which will plummet when Samus stands on them, dropping her into the water. Employ Flash Shift to dash over top of them and cling to the blue wall. Climb up the wall to catch the Energy Tank.

Burenia Energy Tank 1

Burenia Energy Upgrade 2

This Energy Part upgrade is sitting right out in the open up, in front of an industrial fan. Samus will need the Speed Heave upgrade, to run directly at the fan at a fast plenty speed to overpower the fan's air and reach the Energy Function.

Burenia Energy Tank 2

Burenia Energy Upgrade 3

This Energy Part is very easy to go, provided you have the right upgrades. Showtime from the light-green teleportal in Burenia. Use Pulse Radar to find a row of breakable blocks to the right of the teleportal. Break them with a Cantankerous Bomb.

Burenia Energy Tank 3a

Behind the Bomb blocks are a few Enkys – destroy them with Ice Missiles and go along down.

Burenia Energy Tank 3b

Go through the Power Door at the bottom to notice the Energy Part in the next room.

Burenia Energy Tank 3c

Burenia Energy Upgrade 4

This Energy Tank requires the Tempest Missile upgrade. Become to the spot where the upgrade is marked on the map. A Tempest Door will be blocking the Free energy Tank. Attach to the bluish wall and apply the Tempest Missiles to hit all five targets on the ceiling. In one case the Storm Door disappears, Infinite Spring over and grab the Free energy Tank upgrade.

Burenia Energy Tank 4


Ghavoran Energy Tank Map

There are three Free energy upgrades in Ghavoran: 1 full Energy Tank and two Energy Parts.

Ghavoran Energy Upgrade 1

This Energy Tank upgrade can be grabbed immediately after Samus gets the Ice Missiles upgrade, which she receives from defeating the Ghavoran Due east.K.M.I. Use the Ice Missiles to destroy the Enky that is blocking Samus' fashion, so catch the Energy Tank.

Ghavoran Energy Tank 1

Ghavoran Energy Upgrade ii

This Free energy Part is hidden from view. Starting in the large room but to the left of where information technology is marked on the map, climb upward the disappearing plant platforms using Space Jump until y'all spot a Grapple Axle block on the left side. Use Grapple Axle to intermission it; yous volition need to printing Y and ZR the instant you state on the closest constitute platform in order to destroy the Grapple Cake before the platform disappears.

Ghavoran Energy Tank 2a

Utilise Space Jump to get support to where the Grapple Block was before. There volition be a breakable Missile Block in the same space; stand on the aforementioned plant platform and fire off a Missile to destroy it.

Ghavoran Energy Tank 2b

An Energy Part will at present exist exposed. Infinite Jump up to the tunnel and climb in to grab it.

Ghavoran Energy Tank 2c

Ghavoran Free energy Upgrade three

This Energy Part upgrade is located in a subconscious area. You will be prevented from accessing this expanse past Speed Booster blocks.

Ghavoran Energy Tank 3a

This Energy Part requires using the Shinespark and Speed Boost abilities. Start at an expanse far below where the part is marked on the map.

Ghavoran Energy Tank 3b

Utilize your Grapple Beam to open the door, and so run right, charging up your Speed Booster.

Ghavoran Energy Tank 3c

In the next surface area, press crouch to bank your Shinespark once you are able. Hold B and upwardly on the joycon to send Samus flying all the manner up through those Speed Boost blocks you saw earlier.

Ghavoran Energy Tank 3d

This volition reveal a new tunnel with the Energy Part. Space Jump up through this new tunnel to catch the upgrade.

Ghavoran Energy Tank 3e


Ferenia Energy Tank Map

There are four Free energy Tank upgrades to collect in Ferenia, all of them Energy Parts.

Ferenia Energy Upgrade 1

This Energy Part upgrade is located in the lesser right of the Ferenia map. It's easy to spot, sitting between two blocks. Utilise Samus' Bomb to destroy the block on the right, and catch the Energy Part.

Ferenia Energy Tank 1

Ferenia Energy Upgrade 2

This Energy Part upgrade is located but right of the Free energy Recharge Station in the middle of Ferenia. In the Energy Recharge Station room, employ Pulse Radar to notice all the breakable blocks above. Use Screw Attack to get Samus upwards on height of the Bomb blocks that forbid her from falling through the Pitfall Blocks below.

Ferenia Energy Tank 2a

Climb up into the Morph Ball tunnel, and then drop down on the correct side of the cavalcade, leaving a Cantankerous Flop block between the sets of two Bomb blocks. Samus will autumn through the Pitfall blocks to the platform with the Energy Recharge Station.

Ferenia Energy Tank 2b

Apace jump up the left side through the Screw Set on blocks and land on the set of 3 Flop blocks that were not destroyed. Apply Samus' Grapple Axle through the hole where the Flop blocks were destroyed to suspension the Grapple Beam block to her right.

Ferenia Energy Tank 2c

The Bomb blocks will probable have respawned by now, just the Grapple Beam block will not respawn. Repeat the same movement: drib a Cross Bomb between the sets of two Flop blocks, drop down through the Pitfall blocks, and jump up once again through the Screw blocks on the left side. This time, jump over the solid platform in the middle of the screen, and so climb into the pigsty where the Grapple Beam block was previously, and continue right through the Morph Ball tunnel.

Ferenia Energy Tank 2d

You volition arrive in a subconscious room with the Energy Part. Use Pulse Radar again to discover the breakable blocks in the room. Use a Bomb to break the two blocks on the left side, and some other one to break the block on the bottom. Climb up and grab the Free energy Part. (You lot can then use Spiral Attack to easily leave the room through the Spiral blocks on the right side.)

Ferenia Energy Tank 2e

Ferenia Energy Upgrade 3

You will need to utilize the Shinespark ability to get this Energy Part upgrade. This is a tricky item to get that requires precise utilise of the Speed Booster ability to navigate the terrain. Offset at a betoken far to the right of the left elevator from Dairon.

Ferenia Energy Tank 3a

Shoot to open the door, then run left while charging Samus' Speed Booster. Run through the lift room, and slide through the tunnel on the left side, keeping your Speed Boost.

Ferenia Energy Tank 3b

Still keeping your Speed Boost, jump up onto the ramp to your left, and run all the way up.

Ferenia Energy Tank 3c

In one case you reach the small platform at the superlative, press crouch to bank your Shinespark.

Ferenia Energy Tank 3d

Climb up to the right, and use Space Jump to position yourself direct under the Speed Booster blocks underneath the Energy Role. Initiate your Shinespark by pressing and property B and up on the joycon simultaneously.

Ferenia Energy Tank 3e

Once y'all've blasted all the way to the top, collect your Energy Office.

Ferenia Energy Tank 3f

Ferenia Energy Upgrade 4

This Energy Part is located just above the elevator from Dairon on the right side of Ferenia. In that location will be a small Morph Ball tunnel with the Energy Part visible at the top of the room. Use Cross Flop (or multiple Bombs) to break through the Bomb blocks that are preventing Samus from collecting the Energy Part.

Ferenia Energy Tank 4


Elun Energy Tank Map

There is one Energy Tank upgrade to get on Elun.

Elun Energy Upgrade one

Use Pulse Radar at the spot in the room with the Energy Tank to find several breakable blocks.

Elun Energy Tank 1a

The three blocks in a row can be destroyed with a regular shot. Climb into the Morph Ball tunnel at the top and break the last breakable block with a Bomb. Grab the Energy Tank.

Elun Energy Tank 1b

Next: Metroid Dread: Every Shinespark Solution